Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Sebastian Junger
Sebastian Junger is most known for his bestselling books The Perfect Storm and War, as well as his academy award nominated documentary, Restrepo. In his latest book, Freedom, Sebastian Junger examines the tension that lies at the heart of what it means to be human. For much of a year, Junger and three friends—a conflict photographer and two Afghan War vets—walked the railroad lines of the East Coast. It was an experiment in personal autonomy, but also in interdependence. Dodging railroad cops, sleeping under bridges, cooking over fires, and drinking from creeks and rivers, the four men forged a unique reliance on one another. In Freedom, Junger weaves his account of this journey together with primatology and boxing strategy, the history of labor strikes and Apache raiders, the role of women in resistance movements, and the brutal reality of life on the Pennsylvania frontier. Written in exquisite, razor-sharp prose, the result is a powerful examination of the primary desire that defines us. Sebastian Junger was joined in conversation with General Stanley McChrystal and Reagan Foundation and Institute executive director John Heubusch. Let’s listen.